The Wonderful Mitsubishi Delica 4×4
The Delica is one of the coolest vans made by the Japanese. The 4×4 is the best van to explore or overland. The video below is a compilation of several Delicas. This is a popular van in Washington, Oregon and Canada. If parts and mechanics were readily available, where I live, I would own this van.
There is several versions of the Mitsubishi Delica. The Delica is considered a minivan. I’ve seen many folks put diesel heaters for vanlife off-grid camping. This van can practically transverse anywhere.
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Mitsubishi star wagons are now available for the North American outdoor community to enjoy. https://www.delicausa.com/
Beware reclassification of the Mitsubishi Delica. Vehicle registration cancellations – Maine is Actively Canceling Mitsubishi Delica Registration (crankshaftculture.com)

Prevent a Dead Battery by Installing a Dual Battery Isolator Relay
Prevent a dead Battery. Install a Dual Battery Isolator by Keyline sold at Amazon.com. This is a voltage sensitive relay. It charges both starter battery and solar system batteries. Please watch my video on how to install a VSR yourself.
Dual Battery Isolator Kit – enables your accessories to run from a separate battery while the engine is not running on your vehicle while keeping your main battery charged and your vehicle always ready to go and start when you want it to. This dual battery isolator kit features 12 Volt 140 Amp Voltage Sensitive Relay Isolator and includes all the bits and pieces needed for a complete installation.
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Show and Shine VW Show
just posting on the beginning of this website. for more information on 2021 VW car show go to: https://www.facebook.com/elpradovwshow
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Prepare to live Off-Grid
Be prepared for power outages. Do you have a back-up plan? Now is the time to be prepared. You are welcome to submit questions on how to install solar panels to your vehicle. Make your vehicle a safe dwelling. Please check out project steps on how to install solar on a vehicle or van dwelling. Items you will need to consider – Solar controller, MT50 Meter, Pure Sine Wave Inverter, Fusing and Solar Panels.

Solar Generator
Solar Controller
Inverter and fusing

the Tracer solar controller.
4k Action Novatek Camera
This inexpensive 4k Novatek action camera is a good addition to shoot at car shows. I used this action camera at the Prado Show and Shine VW Car Show. What makes this camera noteworthy is the Sony sensor.
I shoot some of my videos using this camera. It is wi-fi capable. Shoots at 30 – 60 frames per second. Other features; time lapse, cycle mode, motion detection, white balance, anti-shaking, exposure, and more. I purchased mine at amazon because they have a great return policy. Example video footage below. I included link footage of a VW Squareback as an example of quality.
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more about sony cmos sensors https://www.sony.com/en/SonyInfo/News/Press/201910/19-098E/
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