Visiting the lowest point in North America. The Salt Flats in Badwater is part of Death Valley National Park. It is the lowest point in North America at 282 (86 m) below sea level. Considered an endorheic basin because it retains water without outflow, it equilibrates through evaporation. Temperatures can reach over 120 f in the summer. Repeated freezing, thawing and evaporations create the hexagon shapes in the salt layer. Bring plenty of water when visiting Bad Water.
It is very dry and hot. I’m sure you already understand, however it is reflected in the pictures. I recommend visiting Death Valley in the Spring or Fall Season unless you really want to experience the extreme heat. I have listed the campgrounds and restaurants nearby in the Furnace Creek post Furnace Creek Visitor Center – Solar Install – Generators for Power Outages (vantasticodyssey.com)
36.220871, -116.758800

byu/vantasticodyssey from discussion